Written weeks after Bella's passing.
I decided to move on by taking one step. One step is all it would take. I started moving things in the baby’s room. It was cold, a disaster, things were everywhere. It was more like a storage room for baby things. We had just piled everything in there that we didn't want to see and shut the door.
I started to fold and sort. I put the things that Bella wore at the hospital, and things that people gave her in the hospital in a pile. Her things. Her few little things. I wanted to give her so many things, I couldn't give her the things I wanted to. I folded the newborn clothes that had not been put away yet. As I folded it dawned on me that these were not Bella’s clothes, she was never meant for those clothes. She never intended to wear these clothes, that was my dream. I wasn't going to let these clothes to go to waste. Were these clothes were for baby #2. New baby Leone, A New Bambino! What a relief to feel that these things had a purpose! They are for our next Love. Could it be a baby girl again? Or maybe a Mini Vinnie?! In which case we might have to adjust the wardrobe a little.
I felt my heart literally opening up there was space in there for another. I could actually feel another spirit close. I couldn't be more relieved or surprised. I was able to move, move forward.
Hell Yes.
I started to fold and sort. I put the things that Bella wore at the hospital, and things that people gave her in the hospital in a pile. Her things. Her few little things. I wanted to give her so many things, I couldn't give her the things I wanted to. I folded the newborn clothes that had not been put away yet. As I folded it dawned on me that these were not Bella’s clothes, she was never meant for those clothes. She never intended to wear these clothes, that was my dream. I wasn't going to let these clothes to go to waste. Were these clothes were for baby #2. New baby Leone, A New Bambino! What a relief to feel that these things had a purpose! They are for our next Love. Could it be a baby girl again? Or maybe a Mini Vinnie?! In which case we might have to adjust the wardrobe a little.
I felt my heart literally opening up there was space in there for another. I could actually feel another spirit close. I couldn't be more relieved or surprised. I was able to move, move forward.
Hell Yes.
At Last the Most Lovely Nursery.
Last week I decided that this "journey" in bed I was having was not the way I wanted to tell my story. Did I want to blog that I have a heard time getting out of bed and sometimes don't? I didn't just want to tell my story. I wanted to create my story. Time to wipe the tears and start blogging. I would start at the beginning. And now I can move forward and continue healing.
Move forward fearlessly. That's the primary. I take each day and live it like I have never lived before. Now all I can do is think about Baby Leone #2.
Are you here? Are you listening? Is it time? It's been 8 weeks since big sister left us and now we can simply move forward. Simple enough, eh? We shall see....
Thank you for sharing your story. And heartbreaking though it is, I enjoyed reading it. God's blessings to you.