
How I turned lead into gold.
This blog is a personal account of my journey into motherhood. It about my daughters Bella's life and how I handled her death. As well as my personal healing from grief and my journey forward into my next pregnancy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our Birthing Intention

Before our pregnancy we set an intention. According to Webster's dictionary an intention is "the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose."

Vince and I sat together and visualized and imagined our future family. We talked about how we wanted our pregnancy to feel, look, and grow. We used the Avatar tools to deliberately create our pregnancy. We explored our purpose for having a child. You may be surprised that aside from my emergency C- Section all of our intentions created.

We wanted to have our birth story inspire people. We wanted her to change the world. We wanted to change the world together. We have.
This story looks a little different than we imagined, but it still feels the same. We have experienced such grace telling our story and what we have learned from it and from Bella. She has taught us all so much. People's lives have changed. There is a laundry list somewhere of all the people that our story has touched. Marriages have been saved, people have been lifted. Families have come together. People are feeling! Hearts have been inspired to change for the better, to live better. The ripple affect is inconceivable. Needless to say we are proud parents. Our intention has created and we continue to find proof of our intention daily.

Stay tuned for our full birth story and more to come!
My husband, Bella and I at 16 weeks.

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